For renovation projects we charge from €450* an hour for our senior designer led advice. As experts in the field, we will estimate from past projects the scope/duration and cost of the interior design services required and quote for a monthly fee to help you budget/spread the cost.  This estimate will be periodically reviewed and adjusted if necessary.

We will provide lookbooks, samples and full interior décor package suggestions.

Please note we do NOT offer a project management service or provide/review technical drawings however we are happy to work with architects, contractors and suppliers to share insight for design intent purposes only to help ensure a more functional and cohesive design finish throughout, but you must always seek relevant expert advice. We suggest you contact us as soon as you have appointed an architect or contractor.

We can help you as little or as much as you like – it’s your home so we take the lead from you. Our role is to help you get the style, flow, functionality and feeling of your home right for you, your family and your lifestyle.

How to Book: Email [email protected]

Cost from €450* per hour, not including travel time and expenses etc – total service fees for a renovation project are on a case-by-case basis.  These fees are payable in advance (except where a phased payment plan has been agreed), are non-redeemable or refundable.

Make an appointment

Get in touch today today for an appointment with one of our design services
